
Component for creating bidimensional grid layouts.


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<Grid cols="12" rows="3" gapX="6" gapY="6" className="bg-muted-200 mt-4 h-96 rounded-md p-4">
<div className="bg-muted-600 col-span-12 flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center rounded-sm text-white">Header</div>
<div className="bg-muted-600 col-span-3 flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center rounded-sm text-white">Sidebar</div>
<div className="bg-muted-600 col-span-9 flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center rounded-sm text-white">Content</div>
<div className="bg-muted-600 col-span-12 flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center rounded-sm text-white">Footer</div>

Here's the <Grid /> component in action.



  • Inherits the fluid space scale on the gapX and gapY props.
  • Removes inaccessible CSS features.

Parts and their API


Component for creating bidimensional grid layouts.


inlinebooleanfalseWhether the grid is inline or not.
cols"number"1The number of columns.
rows"number"1The number of rows.
justify'start' | 'center' | 'end' | 'between''start'The horizontal alignment of the grid.
align'start' | 'center' | 'end' | 'stretch''start'The vertical alignment of the grid.
gapX0 to 200The horizontal gap between the grid items.
gapY0 to 200The vertical gap between the grid items.


If you set inline, justify has no meaning because the <Grid /> has the least width possible.

Setting align, only has meaning if the <Grid /> has a height. Otherwise it will have the least height possible.

If you set justify="stretch", the children shouldn't have a fixed width. Otherwise they won't stretch.

If you set align="stretch", the children shouldn't have a fixed height. Otherwise they won't stretch.

Setting justify="stretch" has the same effect as setting w-full on all the children (assuming flow="row").

Setting align="stretch" has the same effect as setting h-full on all the children (assuming flow="row").


Changing visual order creates a disconnect between content and presentation and is, therefore, bad for accessibility. For this reason, I've ommitted grid-auto-flow:row dense and grid-auto-flow: column dense.


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import { type VariantProps, cva } from 'class-variance-authority'
import { type HTMLAttributes, type PropsWithChildren, forwardRef } from 'react'
import { cn } from '#app/utils/tailwind-merge.ts'
const gridVariants = cva('grid', {
variants: {
flow: {
row: 'grid-flow-row',
col: 'grid-flow-col',
justify: {
start: 'justify-items-start',
center: 'justify-items-center',
end: 'justify-items-end',
stretch: 'justify-items-stretch',
align: {
start: 'items-start',
center: 'items-center',
end: 'items-end',
baseline: 'items-baseline',
stretch: 'items-stretch',
gapX: {
'0': 'gap-x-fluid-0',
'1': 'gap-x-fluid-1',
'2': 'gap-x-fluid-2',
'3': 'gap-x-fluid-3',
'4': 'gap-x-fluid-4',
'5': 'gap-x-fluid-5',
'6': 'gap-x-fluid-6',
'7': 'gap-x-fluid-7',
'8': 'gap-x-fluid-8',
'9': 'gap-x-fluid-9',
'10': 'gap-x-fluid-10',
'11': 'gap-x-fluid-11',
'12': 'gap-x-fluid-12',
'13': 'gap-x-fluid-13',
'14': 'gap-x-fluid-14',
'15': 'gap-x-fluid-15',
'16': 'gap-x-fluid-16',
'17': 'gap-x-fluid-17',
'18': 'gap-x-fluid-18',
'19': 'gap-x-fluid-19',
'20': 'gap-x-fluid-20',
gapY: {
'0': 'gap-y-fluid-0',
'1': 'gap-y-fluid-1',
'2': 'gap-y-fluid-2',
'3': 'gap-y-fluid-3',
'4': 'gap-y-fluid-4',
'5': 'gap-y-fluid-5',
'6': 'gap-y-fluid-6',
'7': 'gap-y-fluid-7',
'8': 'gap-y-fluid-8',
'9': 'gap-y-fluid-9',
'10': 'gap-y-fluid-10',
'11': 'gap-y-fluid-11',
'12': 'gap-y-fluid-12',
'13': 'gap-y-fluid-13',
'14': 'gap-y-fluid-14',
'15': 'gap-y-fluid-15',
'16': 'gap-y-fluid-16',
'17': 'gap-y-fluid-17',
'18': 'gap-y-fluid-18',
'19': 'gap-y-fluid-19',
'20': 'gap-y-fluid-20',
type GridProps = PropsWithChildren<HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>> &
VariantProps<typeof gridVariants> & {
inline?: boolean
cols?: `${number}` // Any string which could be produced by coercing a number
rows?: `${number}` // Any string which could be produced by coercing a number
* Grid component for creating bidimensional layouts.
* @component
* @example
* ```jsx
* <Grid cols="12" rows="3" gapX="6" gapY="6" className="bg-muted-200 mt-4 h-96 rounded-md p-4">
* <div className="bg-muted-600 col-span-12 flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center rounded-sm text-white">Header</div>
* <div className="bg-muted-600 col-span-3 flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center rounded-sm text-white">Sidebar</div>
* <div className="bg-muted-600 col-span-9 flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center rounded-sm text-white">Content</div>
* <div className="bg-muted-600 col-span-12 flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center rounded-sm text-white">Footer</div>
* </Grid>
* ```
* @param {`{number}`} [cols] - The number of columns
* @param {`{number}`} [rows] - The number of rows
* @param {string} [justify='start'] - The alignment of items along the main axis. Can be 'start', 'center', 'end', or 'stretch'.
* @param {string} [align='start'] - The alignment of items along the cross axis. Can be 'start', 'center', 'end', 'baseline', or 'stretch'.
* @param {boolean} [gapX='0'] - The gap between items along the main axis. Can be a number from 0 to 20.
* @param {boolean} [gapY='0'] - The gap between items along the cross axis. Can be a number from 0 to 20.
* @param {string} [className] - Additional CSS class names.
* @param {React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>} [props] - Additional HTML attributes.
* @returns {JSX.Element} The Grid component.
const Grid = forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, GridProps>(({ inline = false, cols, rows, flow = 'row', justify = 'start', align = 'start', gapX = '0', gapY = '0', className, ...props }, ref) => {
return (
className={cn(gridVariants({ flow, justify, align, gapX, gapY }), inline ? `inline-grid` : ``, className)}
gridTemplateColumns: cols ? `repeat(${cols}, minmax(0, 1fr))` : undefined,
gridTemplateRows: rows ? `repeat(${rows}, minmax(0, 1fr))` : undefined,
Grid.displayName = 'Grid'
export { Grid }