
A hierarchy of links to the current page in an application.


  • Implemented as an ordered list of links.
  • The last link is automatically marked as the current page using aria-current.
  • Hover, press, and keyboard focus states are provided for easy styling.


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function Example() {
const items = [
{id: 1, label: 'Home', href: '/'},
{id: 2, label: 'Navigation', href: '/components/navigation'},
{id: 3, label: 'Breadcrumbs', href: '/components/navigation/breadcrumbs'},
return <Breadcrumbs items={items} />

Here's the <Breadcrumbs /> component in action.



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/* ### Navigation ### */
@layer components {
.breadcrumbs {
@apply flex flex-wrap;
& .breadcrumb {
@apply flex items-center;
& a {
@apply p-1 text-foreground opacity-50 data-[disabled]:opacity-100;
& .icon {
@apply h-4 w-4 opacity-50;


The <Breadcrumbs /> component receives an array of items to render as links. But it's up to you to figure out how to generate the items array based on your framework.

I suggest you create an additional component that encapsulates this logic.

Here's how you'd do it in Remix:

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import { useMatches } from '@remix-run/react'
import { type ElementRef, forwardRef } from 'react'
import { type BreadcrumbsProps } from 'react-aria-components'
import { type BreadcrumbItem, Breadcrumbs } from './breadcrumbs.tsx'
const RemixBreadcrumbs = forwardRef<ElementRef<typeof Breadcrumbs>, BreadcrumbsProps<BreadcrumbItem>>(({ ...props }, ref) => {
const matches = useMatches()
const items: BreadcrumbItem[] = matches
.filter(match => match.handle && (match.handle as { breadcrumb: BreadcrumbItem }).breadcrumb)
.map(match => {
const { id } = match
const { href, label } = (match.handle as { breadcrumb: BreadcrumbItem }).breadcrumb
return { id, href, label }
return <Breadcrumbs ref={ref} items={items} {...props} />
RemixBreadcrumbs.displayName = 'RemixBreadcrumbs'
export { RemixBreadcrumbs }

Then, just place this <RemixBreadcrumbs /> component wherever you want breadcrumbs to show up in your app.

Remember that, in Remix, each route decides if and how it will contribute to the breadcrumbs using a handle export.

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export const handle = {
breadcrumb: () => <Link to="/parent">Some Route</Link>,