Aspect Ratio

Displays content in a desired ratio.


  1. 1
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<AspectRatio ratio={16 / 9}>
<img src="" alt="Sunrise over the sea, by Sarah Lee on Unsplash" className="h-full w-full rounded-xl object-cover" />

Here's the <AspectRatio /> component in action.

Sunrise over the sea, by Sarah Lee on Unsplash


  • Accepts any custom ratio.

Parts and their API


Displays content within a desired ratio.


rationumber1The ratio to display the content within.


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import { type HTMLAttributes, type PropsWithChildren, forwardRef } from 'react'
import { cn } from '#app/utils/tailwind-merge.ts'
type AspectRatioProps = PropsWithChildren<HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>> & {
ratio?: number
* AspectRatio component.
* @component
* @example
* ```jsx
* <AspectRatio ratio={16 / 9}>
* <img src={blueSkies} alt="By Sarah Lee on Unsplash" className="h-full w-full rounded-xl object-cover" />
* </AspectRatio>
* ```
* @param {number} [ratio=1] - The aspect ratio.
* @param {string} [className] - Additional CSS class names.
* @param {React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>} [props] - Additional HTML attributes.
* @returns {JSX.Element} The AspectRatio component.
const AspectRatio = forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, AspectRatioProps>(({ ratio = 1 / 1, className, ...props }, forwardedRef) => {
return (
<div className="relative w-full" style={{ paddingBottom: `${100 / ratio}%` }}>
<div ref={forwardedRef} className={cn(`absolute top-0 right-0 bottom-0 left-0`, className)} {...props} />
AspectRatio.displayName = 'AspectRatio'
export { AspectRatio }