
An headline's eyebrow comes second in the typographic hierarchy and sits above the main headline (like your eyebrow sits above your eye). These eyebrow headlines are usually keyword labels that help users understand the theme of the content they're about to read.


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<div className="bg-muted-100 rounded-lg p-4">
<H1>Typography is complex</H1>
An headline's eyebrow comes second in the typographic hierarchy and sits above the main headline (like your eyebrow sits above your eye). These eyebrow headlines are usually
keyword labels that help users understand the theme of the content they're about to read.

Here's the <Eyebrow /> component in action.


Typography is complex

An headline's eyebrow comes second in the typographic hierarchy and sits above the main headline (like your eyebrow sits above your eye). These eyebrow headlines are usually keyword labels that help users understand the theme of the content they're about to read.


  • Labels the content of a section or page.
  • Opts-in to your design system's typographic styles.


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import { type HTMLAttributes, forwardRef } from 'react'
import { cn } from '#app/utils/tailwind-merge.ts'
* A Eyebrow component.
const Eyebrow = forwardRef<HTMLHeadingElement, HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => <p ref={ref} className={cn('eyebrow', className)} {...props} />)
Eyebrow.displayName = 'Eyebrow'
export { Eyebrow }


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.eyebrow {
@apply text-muted-400 mb-4 max-w-prose text-xs font-sans font-medium uppercase tracking-wider;